Central Mississippi Beekeepers Association (CMBA) was formed in 1970 with the goal to provide a forum, so that local hobbyist, side-liners, professional and commercial beekeepers could share knowledge and experience with each other, as well as the public, about new developments in the beekeeping industry. The CMBA strives to continually educate beekeepers in the day to day operations of running an apiary. With current membership enrollment in excess of 70 active and retired beekeepers, the CMBA is the largest and one of the most active beekeeping associations in Mississippi.
The CMBA also strives to educate the public through outreach programs on how honeybees provide a necessary service to our environment through thepollination of the farmlands of our state. Honeybees not only make enough honey each year to feed their colonies, their efficiency allows them to produce an excess amount of honey, which is harvested by beekeepers. Honeybees are the only insects which give man a food product.
At each of the monthly meetings, information is shared by member beekeepers on such topics as hive setups, tending hives, beekeeping trends, and many more educational topics ranging for both beginning beekeepers to the more experienced.